Welcome! If you think Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is holding you back –
Prepare to start your journey of discovery, one step at a time!

What is an ADHD Coach and What Can They Do for Me?
Like a coach in any sport, a life coach works along side you, helping you see what is working for you and where a different strategy could work better. As your ADHD Life Coach I will work with you collaboratively to develop the best tools and strategies for your uniquely wired brain. You will learn to see your experiences and challenges through an ADHD lens so that you can thrive not just survive on your life's journey.
I am an ADHD Coach who believes that we each have a remarkable, built-in ability to grow and learn about ourselves at any age. Step into strength-based coaching and celebrate all the possibilities that lie within your reach!

Brynlee, age 24
Working with Cassandra was THE BEST! Not only did she help teach me how my brain worked so I could understand what it’s like to have ADHD but she also gave me so many tools and resources to help me when I’m feeling stuck or overwhelmed.
Andrew, age 19
...she really helped me see that I can do it, and that there is always someone in my corner!
Cassandra's much appreciated coaching reflects her experience in teaching, facilitating, organizing and coaching with the added benefit of her personal experience managing the challenges of striving to live her best life day to day with ADHD.

Tara, age 74
After thinking my whole life that being ADHD was a curse, Cassandra has helped me find tons of priceless tools for my own personal toolbox . . . ideas and strategies that when practiced have become a part of my daily life. Learning that my creativity and my willingness to jump right in to take action are great traits that make me happy to be who I am!!! I was fortunate to first take the character strength class that was an unbelievable eye opener about myself. Anytime you are able to “learn” to appreciate your own strengths… WOW…what a beautiful experience. Thank you, Cassandra, for making my life so much easier. I am grateful for your guidance and the tune-ups . . . when I need them!!!
As a matter of fact , I had a tune up today. It’s amazing how Cassandra can show me how a struggle can actually be a positive opportunity for even more success!

Tonya, age 53
As an adult ADHD’er with ADHD children, I was trying to teach organizational skills that I didn't have. The VIA Inventor for the Family Character Strengths was so helpful for my family and me. We all learned how to function and interact in more positive ways. I would encourage anyone with ADHD or parents with ADHD children to take advantage of this fantastic tool.
As a parent, I found great value in my child meeting with a private ADHD life coach from Hardwired. He met with the coach twice a week for an hour. As a result, my child was more empowered every week by having the self-awareness to build new skills and harness the positive energy of his ADD. A private ADD coach was a lifesaver for my son!
Coaching can be a great opportunity for someone who hasn’t tried it. It can be very helpful and an effective means to learn skills to properly function, day to day, and to excel.
I think it helped quite a bit with handling my own stress and anger allowing me to be able to assess my emotions and thoughts better.
Jan, age 74
Trevor, age 19

Want to know if you have ADHD?
Is there a TEST for ADHD?
According to WebMD.com, there is no one test to diagnose ADHD. If many of the symptoms listed below are affecting you, you might benefit from working with a psychiatrist to more thoroughly evaluate your symptoms or, an ADHD coach who is trained to help you understand how ADHD affects your daily life and how to develop accommodations.
These are the symptoms as outlined by the American Psychiatrist Association:
Inattentive Type ADHD
• Sometimes struggles to pay attention
to details or makes careless mistakes.
• Struggles to stay on task
• Finds listening to be difficult for long periods of time.
• Trouble following instructions or finishing schoolwork or chores
• Trouble organizing tasks or activities
• Avoids or dislikes doing things that
take effort or concentration
• Loses things
• Easily Distracted
• Forgetful
Hyperactive-Impulsive Type ADHD
• Fidgets and squirms a lot
• Has Trouble playing quietly
• Always “on the go” as if “driven by a motor”
• Talks excessively
• Answers before question is completed
• Trouble waiting their turn
• Interrupts others
All of the above: A combined type
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